French Bladder Cancer Study (FBCS)

Study Name: French Bladder Cancer Study (FBCS)

Principal Investigators:
INSERM/CNRS: Simone Benhamou, Alain Sarasin
DBS: Agnès Laplanche

Additional researchers:
Stefan Michiels (DBS)
Thomas Boulet (DBS)
Philippe Dessen (CNRS)

INSERM U794 and CNRS FRE2939
Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif France

Institution/s address:
Institut Gustave Roussy
Espace Maurice Tubina (-1)
94805 Villejuif, France

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (DBS)
Institut Gustave Roussy
Rue Camille Desmoulins,
94805 Villejuif cedex, France

Key References: 
Benhamou S. et al. Mutagenesis. 2003 Sep;18(5):445-8

Study Design: Hospital-based case control

Matching factors: Age, gender and hospital

Country: France

ICD-0-3 morphology codes: 81203

Follow up of cases? Yes (but not for all cases)

Expected time of follow-up? 60 months

Urinary Bladder ICD-0-3 morphology codes: Transitional cell carcinoma (81203); Papillary carcinoma (81303); Squamous cell carcinoma (80703); Adenocarcinoma (81403); Leiomyosarcoma (88903)

  Cases Controls
Years of enrollment 1997-2001 1997-2001
Source population 3 general hospitals in Paris 3 general hospitals in Paris
Response rate (enrolled/eligible) 95% 95%
Total number enrolled 201 322
Subjects with DNA 195 320
Ethnic origin 100% Caucasian 100% Caucasian
Age: mean (range) 66 (30-89) 67 (34-92)
Gender: % males 84% 85%
Questionnaire data Cases Controls
Demographics (age, sex, ethnicity, region, education etc..) x x
Active smoking x x
Passive smoking - -
Occupational exposures x x
Residential history - -
Water chlorination byproducts - -
Arsenic exposure - -
Other environmental exposures - -
Hair dye use - -
Drug use - -
Medical History - -
Family History - -
Quality of life - -
Diet/nutrition - -
Caffeine intake x x
Fluid intake - -
Urine pH measurements - -
Other information, please specify - -
Biological Samples Cases Controls
Blood DNA x x
Buccal DNA - -
Serum/plasma - -
Cryopreserved whole blood / lymphocytes - -
Red blood cells - -
Urine samples - -
Toenail clippings - -
Others, please specify - -
Paraffin tissue blocks x
Frozen tissue -
For Cases Only
Information at time of diagnosis Cases
Histological confirmation x
Number of tumors x
Tumor site -
Tumor size x
Tumor grade x
Growth pattern -
Treatment of primary tumor x
Stage x
Other information, please specify -
Follow-up information Cases
Treatment information x
Tumor recurrence x
Tumor progression x
Survival x
Histological confirmation x
Number of tumors -
Tumor site -
Tumor size -
Tumor grade x
Growth pattern -
Stage x
Active smoking -
Occupational exposures -
Drug use -
Medical History -
Quality of life -
Caffeine intake -
Fluid intake -
Other information , please specify -