New Hampshire Bladder Cancer Study

Study Name: New Hampshire Bladder Cancer Study

Principal Investigators: Margaret R Karagas

Additional researchers:
Alan Schned
Karl Kelsey
Angeline Andrew
Carmin Marsit

Institution: Dartmouth Medical School Section of biostatistics and epidemiology

Institution address:
7927 Rubin Building
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon, NH 03756

Key References: 
Karagas MR. et al. Environ Health Perspect. 1998 Aug;106 Suppl 4:1047-50.
Danaee H. et al. Oncogene. 2002 Jul 25;21(32):4894-9.
Andrew AS. et al. Int J Cancer. 2004 Apr 20;109(4):581-6.

Study Design: Population based Case- Control

Matching factors: None

Country: USA

ICD-0-3 morphology codes: All

Follow up of cases? Yes

Expected time of follow-up? 5-15 years or longer

Urinary Bladder ICD-0-3 morphology codes: Transitional cell carcinoma (81203); Papillary carcinoma (81303); Squamous cell carcinoma (80703); Adenocarcinoma (81403); Leiomyosarcoma (88903)

  Cases Controls
Years of enrollment 1994-2001 1994-2001
Source population New Hampshire USA New Hampshire USA
Response rate (enrolled/eligible) 85% 70%
Total number enrolled 847 1091
Subjects with DNA 728 995
Ethnic origin >90% White, Non- Hispanic  
Age: mean (range) 62 61
Gender: % males 84% 76%
Questionnaire data Cases Controls
Demographics (age, sex, ethnicity, region, education etc..) x x
Active smoking x x
Passive smoking x x
Occupational exposures x x
Residential history x x
Water chlorination byproducts x x
Arsenic exposure x x
Other environmental exposures x x
Hair dye use x x
Drug use x x
Medical History x x
Family History x x
Quality of life - -
Diet/nutrition x x
Caffeine intake x x
Fluid intake x x
Urine pH measurements - -
Other information, please specify - -
Biological Samples Cases Controls
Blood DNA x x
Buccal DNA x x
Serum/plasma x x
Cryopreserved whole blood / lymphocytes x x
Red blood cells x x
Urine samples - x
Toenail clippings x x
Others, please specify - -
Paraffin tissue blocks x
Frozen tissue -
For Cases Only
Information at time of diagnosis Cases
Histological confirmation x
Number of tumors x
Tumor site x
Tumor size x
Tumor grade x
Growth pattern x
Treatment of primary tumor x
Stage x
Other information, please specify x
Follow-up information Cases
Treatment information x
Tumor recurrence x
Tumor progression x
Survival x
Histological confirmation x
Number of tumors x
Tumor site x
Tumor size x
Tumor grade x
Growth pattern -
Stage x
Active smoking x
Occupational exposures -
Drug use x
Medical History x
Quality of life -
Caffeine intake -
Fluid intake -
Other information , please specify x