Nijmegen Bladder Cancer Study

Study Name: Nijmegen Bladder Cancer Study

Principal Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Lambertus (Bart) A. Kiemeney (RUNMC)
Dr. Katja K.H. Aben (IKO)
Dr. Sita H. Vermeulen (RUNMC)

Additional researchers:
Prof. Dr. J. Alfred (Fred) Witjes, RUNMC
Dr. Martin den Heijer, RUNMC
Dr. Dorine Swinkels, RUNMC
Dr. Barbara Franke, RUNMC

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUNMC)
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Comprehensive Cancer Centre East (IKO)
Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Institution/s address:
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUNMC)
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (133)
Department of Urology (459)
P.O. Box 9101
NL-6500 HB Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Comprehensive Cancer Centre East (IKO)
P.O. Box 1281
NL-6501 BG Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Key References: 
Kiemeney LA, Sulem P, Besenbacher S, A sequence variant at 4p16.3 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer. Nat Genet 2010; 42(5): 415-9.
Kiemeney LA, Thorlacius S, Sulem P, Sequence variant on 8q24 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer. Nat Genet 2008; 40(11): 1307-1312.

Study Design: Population-based case-control. Cases have been retrospectively and are prospectively being identified and recruited from the populationbased cancer registry of IKO

Matching factors:

Country: The Netherlands

ICD-0-3 morphology codes: 8000, 8020, 8041, 8045, 8070, 8071, 8120, 8130, 8140, 8246, 8480, 8481, 8490, 8560, 8700

Follow up of cases? Yes

Expected time of follow-up? Currently 1-15 years

  Cases Controls
Years of enrollment 2007-2010 (years of diagnosis 1975-2009) 2002-2003
Source population IKO Populationbased cancer registry, covering 8 hospitals and 1.3 million inhabitants Nijmegen Municipal Population Administration covering 150,000 inhabitants
Response rate (enrolled/eligible) 62% 9,350 / 21,756 ->
Total number enrolled 1,974 9,350
Subjects with DNA 1,914 6,468
Ethnic origin >99% Caucasian >99% Caucasian
Age: mean (range) 62.3 range (25-93) 54 (18 – 100)
Gender: % males 81.5% 46%
Questionnaire data Cases Controls
Demographics (age, sex, ethnicity, region, education etc..) x x
Active smoking x x
Passive smoking - -
Occupational exposures x x
Residential history - -
Water chlorination byproducts - -
Arsenic exposure - -
Other environmental exposures - -
Hair dye use x x
Drug use x x
Medical History x x
Family History x x
Quality of life - -
Diet/nutrition x x
Caffeine intake - x
Fluid intake x -
Urine pH measurements - -
Other information, please specify
* incl. urinary tract infections treated with antibiotics, bladder stones, catheter, X-ray exposure abdomen/pelvis # exposure during conception / pregnancy first child, including cosmetic products, X-ray, anaesthetics, cytostatics, industrial cleaners, paint, pesticides.
physical activity, artificial sweeteners, urination frequency physical activity
Biological Samples Cases Controls
Blood DNA x x
Buccal DNA - -
Serum/plasma - x
Cryopreserved whole blood / lymphocytes - -
Red blood cells - -
Urine samples - x
Toenail clippings - -
Others, please specify - -
Paraffin tissue blocks x
Frozen tissue -
For Cases Only
Information at time of diagnosis Cases
Histological confirmation x
Number of tumors -
Tumor site x
Tumor size -
Tumor grade x
Growth pattern -
Treatment of primary tumor x
Stage x
Other information, please specify -
Follow-up information Cases
Treatment information -
Tumor recurrence x
Tumor progression x
Survival x
Histological confirmation x
Number of tumors x
Tumor site x
Tumor size x
Tumor grade x
Growth pattern x
Stage x
Active smoking x
Occupational exposures -
Drug use -
Medical History x
Quality of life -
Caffeine intake -
Fluid intake -
Other information , please specify -